余氏总会 (新加坡)
yee clan association
Created by PYee
2015 以往的活动 PAST EVENTS
Location map
文律宴会, Batu Pahat 18th-19th Dec 2015

饭后海年宗长把贺礼交给永福,拍照留念后,大家往峇都巴辖的旅馆Landmark Hotel出发。
第六届世界余氏恳亲大会 6th World Yee Convention, Macau / Kaiping 23rd - 26th Nov 2015

我们共有21位宗亲组成一个团队,全部团员,在秘书子基的帮忙下,事先已在电脑上check in,很快的就办妥登机手续,过了关卡,大家去快餐店吃早点,等候登机。
6th World Yee Convention, Macau / Kaiping -
My Personal Perspective
Nearly one year ago when I heard news that registration was opened to attend the 6th World Yee Convention. My reaction was spontaneous. Firstly, I was so excited to be able to experience the meaningful “Great Extended Yee Family Reunion”. Secondly, to see for myself how Kaiping looked and felt like. Visiting Kaiping was important to me because it was my mother’s hometown and I had never been there. Taishan was my father’s home village.
Fast forward to 23rd November, found ourselves in Macau mingling with fellow Yees. I was pleasantly surprised that Martin Yee found me at Harborview Hotel lobby. We had never met before but had emailed each other many times and had seen photos of each other. Later, we self-introduced ourselves and met many new cousins. It was a wonderful experience meeting and sharing with fellow Yees.
I was particularly interested in our ancestral lineage. At Wulaoshan, I was wondering how life was like at that era? Worshipping with roasted pigs was customary with us, Chinese. The five tombs were of unusual design, unlike those we saw in Singapore. Perhaps this was the architecture back at that period. Big thank you to those who fought to keep this burial site safe from being ravaged by modern development. You made this place our Heritage. The archives at Yee Fong Toy Hall were interesting. Alas, time was not with us to study each document and artifact. I will be back!
As we toured Kaiping, I could see and felt how my mother lived her childhood days here. My senses were slowly unfolding to visualise my mother’s way of life. It was emotional. She did tell us stories of her childhood days. A big surprise at dinner, we had steamed look-alike cake dessert. This was the same comfort cake my mother liked. That meant this type of pastry was around long ago since she was young. Now I had the chance to savor the original comfort cake or was this mother’s blessings for remembering her!
I told my wife that we should arrange a private visit to Kaiping and Taishan later next year to fulfill my dreams to see my parent's home villages.
Thank you to World Yee Family Association Convention Committee for organising such a wonderful event.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
Image credits: Yee Chai Yian, Yee Kim Leng, Yee Lye Meng, Eu Chin Tiam,
P Yee.
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice Newsletter
十一月七日八日余氏总会组团2天1夜龟咯,马六甲欢乐遊。 7-8th Nov 2015

第一天早上一行人坐旅游巴士前往马来西亚的龟咯渔村,在那里还参观了一个著名的景点“亚洲大陆最南端“之称的丹绒比艾国家公园。之后在龟咯渔村吃一个海鲜午餐。餐后续程拜访麻坡余氏宗祠。到了余氏宗祠得到他们的热烈欢迎,虽然下雨,这也扺挡不了大家兴奋的心情。宗亲们以水果热情招待我们,难得大家在一起,都谈得不亦乐乎,接着我们来到了马六甲,那里有个著名夜市“鸡场街”, 我们在马六甲吃了美味的娘惹晚餐之后,回去马六甲酒店休息。
Day 1 - Our Tour Bus took us to Tanjung Piai National Park supposedly to be the "southernmost tip of mainland Asia". After a hike in the National Park, we went to Kukup Fishing Village for some seafood lunch. Next we viisted Muar Yee Clan. We had warm welcome by the Muar members. Our journey continued to Malacca.
Day 2 - After breakfast, we continued to tour Malacca's many attractions. Everyone were happy with the tour and we finished the visit with a fabulous dinner.
Photograph credits to: Yee Chai Yian and Eu Han Yam.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
Trip to Houston 25th Sept 2015

Site Title
九月廿五日我們前往紐約的紐華克自由國際機場 EWR(Newark Airport)乘坐下午的班機飛行到休斯頓探親訪友。 約二時三十分下午我們抵達休士頓。妻子秀英的弟弟 (Lim Ewe Leng) 在機場迎接我們。
九月廿七日我們與休斯敦余風采堂余頌輝主席在鳳城海鮮酒家約會。點心後,他帶我們去參觀他的家。 我必須承認他是個非常能幹的人。他的花園裡出色完成, 木材地板,木材板步行、涼亭、配備水功能微型的瀑布等等。
接下來的兩天我們探索休斯頓自然科學博物館,休斯頓 NASA 太空中心,北邊的觀光小鎮 Old Town Spring 顯示一些阿米什人的木工。
新加坡余氏總會 余子基報導
(Excerpts from: Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
Credit to Martin Yee)
Fri 25th Sept
We arrived in Houston at about 2:30pm. Lim Ewe Leng (Siew Eng’s younger brother) was at the airport to welcome us. It was a long ride to his house at “The Woodlands”. Along the way, we saw large bungalows widely spaced out, as if land size was no problem. No wonder they say “Everything is big in Texas”!
Sat 26th Sept
We took the opportunity to explore a bit of Houston. There were many eateries, like iHOP, Cheesecake Factory, shopping malls.
Sun 27th Sept
Our appointment with Frank Yu was at the Fung’s Kitchen. Frank’s house was a mere 10 minutes’ drive. Woodlands to Fung’s Kitchen was a 1 ½ hours’ drive. Frank messaged me that he booked table 19, so that was easy to identify Frank as we had never met before. We exchanged greetings with Frank and his wife Sue Ann. Fung’s Kitchen was a good choice. The dim sum was excellent. We shared our association’s experiences together.
Frank Yu invited us to his house and showed us his diy skills. I must admit he is really an artistic handyman. His garden was superbly done, timber decking, timber boardwalk, gazebo, water-feature complete with miniature water fall. He even had a lighting system with 109 bulbs installed in his garden. Sue Ann definitely has green fingers. Look at those luscious greens. I liked the chrysanthemums. She also had a herb garden in a corner. One would be very satisfied to eat fresh organic herbs on your table. Lastly, Frank showed us his “workshop”. He had a large collection of powered hand tools and shelving to store things neatly.
28th - 29th Sept
We explored a natural science museum, Houston Space Center, Old Town Spring displaying some Amish carpentry.
Wed 30th Sept
Time to go! We left Houston at 10:50 am for Tokyo. Tokyo was the last leg of our itinerary.
Reported by 余子基
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
Trip to New York City 20th Sept 2015

New York Yee Fong Toy Association Mooncake Celebration

Family and I attending Mooncake Festival

The Carrier Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

New York Yee Fong Toy Association Mooncake Celebration
我第三女兒余欣穎 (Clara Yee) 最近在紐約市的麥迪森廣場公園 ( Madison Square Park) 指導及推廣新加坡旅遊促進局展示新加坡的當代「創:新」人才。 「創:新」呈現新加坡多元之美。 在新加坡慶祝獨立金禧年之際,「創:新」旨在展現新加坡本土創意人才及其成就。
新加坡全球創意巡展「創:新」是一項國際創意展覽,展覽新加坡當代各個領域的創意人才在 三大洲的創意首都巡迴展出—先于北京(四月廿二日至廿六日)掀開序幕,再到倫敦(六月廿四日至廿八日) 以及紐約市(九月廿三日至廿七日)相繼展出,最後將于十一月廿七日至十二月六日在新加坡舉 行閉幕展。
我和妻子秀英、女兒美慧( Sabrina Yee)做出最後一分鐘決定陪同欣穎前往紐約市參與及旅遊。
抵達紐約後,我們順道訪問紐約余風采堂,受到美東總長余宏基、 顧問余應昌和紐約余氏宗親等的熱烈歡迎。
拜訪當日,紐約余氏宗親正在舉行慶祝中秋節聯歡午餐,妻子秀英、 余宏基夫人與婦女部的成員共享,同時介紹了一些馬氏世表給我們認識。
新加坡余氏總會 余子基報導
(Excerpts from: Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
Credit to Martin Yee)
My wife Siew Eng, 2nd daughter Sabrina and I made a last minute decision to travel with 3rd daughter Clara to New York City. Clara was then directing a Singapore Tourist Promotion Board showcase of Singapore’s contemporary creative talents, called “Singapore Inside-Out” at Madison Square Park. New York was the third leg of venues after London and Beijing.
Sunday 20th Sept.
We met up with Frank Yee and his wife, Elaine, at our hotel (my mistake to mislead him to the wrong hotel). He gave us a ride to YFT Association in Bayard Street, the Chinatown of NY. Frank was so bubbly cheerful and accommodating. We found out that we had so much in common (besides surnamed余) – webmasters and owners of Nikon D90 DSLR camera. YFT Association NY was celebrating their Mooncake Festival on that day. It was my timely visit there - to exchange greetings and share our experiences with so many members present. Amongst the members, Andy Yu was a polished, outspoken character. We had a good time sharing with Andy. He was de facto authority re NYC Jewish Pastrami. I promised him we would go there to try it out on our next trip. We do love pastrami. Siew Eng meanwhile shared with Elaine and members of the Women’s Group. We were introduced to some “Mah” cousins.
All were wonderfully friendly, caring and speaking in languages which we were comfortable (Cantonese, Taishanese and English) that we felt so much at home, akin - a large family.
So I think Clan Association is not passé but a universal, living, family-based congregation per se. We do apologise for not being able to mingle with everyone present that day.
Monday 21st Sept.
Sabrina bought 7-days Metro Passes (subway passes are strongly recommended). The next few days, we toured Midtown Manhattan, fabulous Times Square and its vibrant night-life, exhilarating walk across Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, Lower Manhattan, Ground Zero, UN HQ, Central Park, Statue of Liberty, Italy Town, Korea Town, Wall Street iconic bull, NYSE, Trump Building. We enjoyed breath-taking views atop Empire State Building and a night view “Top of the Rock” (Rockefeller Center). Watched a Broadway “Matilda the Musical”. Toured Intrepid Aircraft Carrier Museum, Museum of Natural History, Museum of Modern Art.
Wed 23rd Sept.
Singapore Inside-Out exhibition started on 23rd and finished on 27th Sept. We visited the exhibition on the 23rd. We came to understand that Frank Yee was there on the 24th. He even had a photo, taken together with Clara, posted in his Facebook. Frank and Andy were actively driving the NY YFT Youth League.
Fri 25th Sept.
Incidentally on the last day of our stay in NYC, Pope Francis was in town, UN held their meetings and China’s Xi Jinping was also in town. Security was very tight. Frank Yee had big time meeting the Pope. We left New York (EWR) Newark Airport at 12 noon for Houston with pleasant memories of NY YFT Association. I hope to reach out to fellow Yees in New York.
(Houston story will be in my next episode)
Reported by: 余子基
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
New MacBook Air 13" Acquired 26th Aug 2015

13.3-inch MacBook Air
1.6GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
Intel HD Graphics 6000
128GB PCIe-based Flash Storage (SSD)
802.11ac Wi-Fi wireless networking
Backlit Keyboard
Up to 12 hours Battery
OS X Yosemite
H: 0.3-1.7 cm, W: 32.5 cm, D: 22.7 cm, Wt: 1.35 kg
7th Month Ghost Festival 16th Aug 2015, 12 noon

The Lunar 7th month also known as the "Ghost Month" see lots of "geitai" and dinners. We celebrated ours with offerings and plenty of food - including hand-rolled red tobacco on cigarette paper. All of us had a good time.
Reported by: 余子基
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
Singing Lessons 14th Aug 2015, 7:30pm

Describe your image here

Describe your image here

Describe your image here
Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew, late first Prime Minister 25th Mar 2015

Lee Kuan Yew

At the arrival hall

Lee Kuan Yew
Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew @ Tanjung Pagar
Six members from our Association, led by Mr Yee Whai Lin, paid tribute to our late first Prime Minister. We signed on the condolence book and took three bows - show of respect to Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
Reported by: 余子基
我来到了“余氏家塾”的发祥地 15th Mar 2015
余维贤 25th Mar 2015

Visited 余维贤 at the Singapore General Hospital, Ward 56
We wished him a speedy recovery.
Reported by: 余子基
我来到了“余氏家塾”的发祥地 15th Mar 2015

新加坡余氏总会的前身是“余氏家塾”,从牌匾上的英文拼音YEE SHE KAH SHOK,就可以知道那是粤语。“余氏家塾”在1929年成立时,只有广东省的台山、开平、新会、恩平四邑籍的余姓人士才能入会。其中,人数最多的是荻海村的宗亲。荻海在当年是由台山所管辖,50年代则归入开平县。 新加坡在日治的“昭南岛”时代,有关“余氏家塾”的文件都烧毁了,许多记录和文物都化为乌有。战后,即1945年,余氏宗亲们进行复兴工作,为了配合社会发展的需要,“余氏家塾”接纳其他籍贯的余姓人士入会,并易名为“余氏总会”。尽管“余氏家塾”16年来的资料和文物已经不见了,但是四邑籍的先贤创会的精神和宗旨,始终深植于宗亲们的心中。
2015年新春团拜与聚餐 2015 Spring Gathering & Dinner 1st Mar 2015, 5pm