余氏总会 (新加坡)
yee clan association
Created by PYee
联络资料 Contact us now
地址 Address
武吉巴梳路 九号
新加坡 邮区 0八九八二三
Yee Clan Association
9 Bukit Pasoh Road
Singapore 089823
电邮 email: yeeclanassociation@gmail.com
电话 Tel / 传真 Fax
+65 6223 2477 +65 6224 9297
Getting there:
(aka Metro
or Sub-way)
By bus:
East-West Line, Outram Park Station (EW16), EXIT H
North-East Line, Outram Park Station (NE3), EXIT H
Neil Road (Bus Stop No:05239-Before The Pinnacle@Duxton):-
Bus Nos: 61, 166, 197
New Bridge Road (Bus Stop No:05019-Opposite Pearl's Centre):-
Bus Nos: 2, 12, 33, 54, 63, 124, 143, 147, 190, 851, 961, 970
Eu Tong Sen Street (Bus Stop No:05012-Pearl's Centre):-
Bus Nos: 54, 124, 143, 147, 166, 190, 851, 970
By car:
Park at public car parks along Bukit Pasoh Rd or
The Pinnacle@Duxton car parks
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Follow us on:
Skype with us. Our Skype name: yeeclansingapore