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2013 以往的活动    PAST EVENTS

庆祝84周年纪念联欢宴会    84th Anniversary Celebration  23rd Nov 2013, 7pm

Yee Clan Association hosted its 84th Anniversary Celebration on the 23rd November 2013. A gala dinner was held at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant. Various events were organised lucky draws, Scholarship presentation, karaoke for the enjoyment of all its members and families.


Big thanks to all those who spent time and effort to succesfully organised this grand event.


Reported by: 子基


This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, Spring 2014 issue:- in Chinese and in English.



董事部认识新会员联欢会    Meet the New Members Night  26th Oct 2013, 6pm

After days of hard work preparing, mailing, ordering catering service by the organising committee members, the big day came to welcome all new members. Our Secretary gave a brief history of Yee Ancestor in China. Followed by a history of how Yee Clan was formed in Singapore and its former office locations.


The current Management Committee was introduced to the new members. New members likewise did the same.

A buffet reception and karaoke session was then opened to all attending this function. Everyone was quite happy and enjoyed themselves.


Party ended around 9pm.


Reported by: Daniel Yee

Photos by the courtesy of Daniel Yee


This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Report, Autumn 2013 issue



秋祭     Autumn Ancestor Worship ceremony  6th Oct 2013, 12 noon

There was a big turn out of members for this year’s “秋祭” Autumn Ancestor Worship ceremony. Compliments to those who had put in a lot of effort and time to make this event a success.


A table was lined up with food offerings of roast suckling pig, braised duck, roasted chicken, crab, fruits, etc.


The ceremony started with some senior members performed prayers and initiated offerings to our ancestors.

After the ritual, lunch was served. Followed with a screening of a popular Chinese concert, others did some networking, catching ups and fellowship among the members.


Reported by: 子基


This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Report, Autumn 2013 issue

中秋庆祝会     Mid-Autumn Festival 14th Sep 2013, 6pm

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival saw a large turn-out of members – a great way to bring the generations together for a meaningful traditional Chinese celebration. The weather was in our favour.


Our President addressed the members and declared the celebration opened. The buffet spread was scrumptious. So were the desserts and moon cakes.

After dinner, we had a lantern tour around the block. The kids loved the lanterns and light-sticks, the elderly loved the after meal walk.  Back at the club, there were games, riddle contest and lantern making competition. There were lots of fun for everyone.


Reported by: 子基


This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Report, Autumn 2013 issue

More videos were uploaded in YouTube:



中元庆祝会​​​​​    7th Month Ghost Festival 11th Aug 2013
印尼丹绒槟挪二天一夜游​​​​​    Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia 2D1N Tour 15-16th Jun 2013

Map - Location

Day 1, 15th Jun 2013


It was a fine Saturday morning, fourteen members of Yee Clan Association assembled at Singapore’s Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal. They cleared Singapore Immigration and embarked in a luxurious high-speed catamaran ferry ride to Pulau Bintan. Bintang Island is about 50km south-east of Singapore. Upon arrival at Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminal (Indonesia), they proceeded to Indonesian immigration and customs clearances.


A local guide welcomed them at the exit. First stop was an ancient temple at Senggarang, about an hour’s drive away. The temple was thought to be more than 300 years old. An equally old banyan tree enclosed the temple’s roof – akin to that of Angkor Wat temple.























Notice in front of temple






Translation of the Notice:

(from Indonesian language)



­“Tien Shang Miao Temple.


Originally this was the residence of a Chinese captain named Chiao Ch'en, 1811. It was abandoned and later became a Senggarang Chinese community as a place of worship. Winding tree roots of banyan fig tree on the temple building indicate that this temple is very old.”




Next, visit to the 500 Lohan Temple. Please see photos of temple elsewhere in our Facebook or Flickr. Lunch was at a famous local restaurant called Java Timur. It served authentic Indonesian food. Leisurely shopping at Ramayana Mall. Followed by a visit to a famous dried cuttlefish factory.


Finished off Day 1 tour with a sumptuous seafood dinner.


Day 2 , 16th Jun 2013


After breakfast at hotel, it was free and easy at own leisure. Transferred from hotel to Sri Bintan Pura Ferry Terminal to catch a ferry back to Singapore.



Reported by: 子基




This event is reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, Autumn 2013 Newsletter









​春祭    Spring Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony 14th Apr 2013

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