余氏总会 (新加坡)
yee clan association
Created by PYee
2023 以往的活动 PAST EVENTS
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马来西亚余氏总会暨雪隆余氏公会理事宗亲拜访新加坡余氏总会 2023年 6月 7日 下午4点钟
7/6/2023 星期三, 大概在下午4时10分左右,马来西亚余氏总会暨雪隆余氏公会的理事宗亲们,包括了
(1) 余开云 - 马来西亚余氏总会秘书长兼雪隆余氏公会会长,
(2) 余宝春 - 马来西亚余氏总会会长,
(3) 余耀文 - 马来西亚余氏总会理事兼新加坡余氏总会名誉会长,
(4) 拿督余富华 - 马来西亚余氏总会副会长兼雪隆余氏公会青年团团长和
(5)余永伟 - 雪隆余氏公会财政,从马来西亚的柔佛新山陸路乘车蒞临新加坡余氏总会拜访交流会。
用了晚餐过后,嘉宾一行人,当晚再乘车回去柔佛新山他们下榻的旅店入住一晚。第二天,于 8/6/2023 继续他们另一系列的拜访交流会 - 拜访柔佛古来余氏宗亲会。
余汉炎 报道
余德強 (Victor Yu) 贤伉俪拜访余氏总会 2023年 2月 26日

26/2/2023, 星期天的傍晚,新加坡余氏总会的文贵会长、子基副秘书及夫人亲临新加坡港湾游轮码头,迎接加拿大余风采总堂 (Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada) 的总堂书记,余德強 (Victor Yu) 贤伉俪抵达新加坡,拜访余氏总会。
此次,余德強贤伉俪是参加 'Holland America Westerdam - 荷美威士特丹号' 豪华邮轮,24天的远东,包括东南亚国家之旅。当他们所乘坐的豪华邮轮在新加坡港湾游轮码头靠岸之际,顺道上岸第一次拜访余氏总会。
Victor & May Yu (Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada) visited Yee Clan Association, Singapore 26/02/2023
We were too happy to receive an email from Victor Yu mentioning that he and his wife, May, were sailing on a cruise ship to the Far East. His ship would berth at Marina Cruise Centre on the 26th Feb 2023. He wished to meet up with the Singapore YCA members. This would be Victor's first visit to Yee Clan Association, Singapore. Further, I was very glad that Jim Yee and Martin Yee notified me, separately, of Victor's intention.
We used WhatsApp to establish contact with Victor and took care of his wishes. The cruise ship "Holland America Westerdam" finally arrived at Singapore's Marina Cruise Centre around 5pm. This was a no better time to visit us as we had just finished our monthly meeting and most Committee members were present. Our President, Ee Boon Kwee and I drove to the Cruise Centre to welcome Victor and May.
We thought this famous place would be a wonderful Singapore dining culture and experience for our visitors. This Centre produced some excellent Micheline 1-Star rated F&B outlets. We had the whole night sharing with Victor and May -such memorable, friendly and open talks. Victor is a quick, witty, slicky smooth talker! We enjoyed interacting with Victor. Thank you for so much Canadian fun!
We hope to cross paths again soon in Bangkok or maybe in Toronto. Looking forward to meet everyone again. Best wishes and bon voyage to Victor and May on their forward trips to Kuala Lumpur and beyond. Smooth sailing!
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Quarterly