余氏总会 (新加坡)
yee clan association
Created by PYee
2014 以往的活动 PAST EVENTS
余氏总会85周年纪念庆典 85th Anniversary Celebration 28th Nov 2014

Arrival of Guests

Arrival of Guests
Excerpts from YFT Global Winter 2014 Report:-
新加坡余氏總會于一九二九年成立,至今已屆八十五載,我們分別在一九九四年六十五周年及二○○四年七十五周年舉行千人宴會, 大會邀請海內外的余氏宗親團體前來,同歡共慶,並借此聯繫宗親情誼,促進交流。 為慶祝本會今年成立八十五周年紀念,我們已安排了盛大的慶典,邀請海內外宗親們前來相聚,共襄盛舉。
新加坡余氏總會八十五周年會慶晚宴於二○一四年十一月廿八日(星期五)晚上七時三十分,假港灣中心(Harbor Front)四樓的萬興酒樓舉行。大會歡迎來自馬來西亞、泰國、印尼、 香港、澳門及臺灣的余姓宗親前來參加與祝賀,冠蓋雲集,盛況空前。 大會也特別歡迎晚宴的主賓,社區及青年部兼社會及家庭發展部政務次長,西南區市長劉燕玲女士出席致詞。
當晚的娛興節目相當豐富,會上有精彩節目表演,幸運抽獎, 交換紀念品,頒發二○一四年度會員子女獎學金等。 會慶晚宴在一遍歡樂的氣氛中圓滿結束,大家盡歡而散。
當日的節目包括早上八時安排專車載送海外宗親做半日游活動。 海外宗親到濱海堤壩和花園拍全體照,以及個別團照留念。然後漫步于朝陽下聆聽大海的浪濤聲、 欣賞濱海花園的怡人景色,遠眺早晨獅城的金融區風貌。參觀余氏總會會所位於武吉巴梳路九號、 牛車水一帶的古建築物。之後逛唐城坊購物商場等。 午餐完畢由專車載送返回旅館休息或自由活動。
85th Anniversary Celebration - Photographs
You may view or download these photos from Flickr1, Flickr2, Flickr3, Flickr4, Flickr5. and YouTube (video).
Months of meticulous planning and countless meetings were exhausted to prepare for this Celebration. Teams were formed to support the logistics and be responsible for secretarial duties, securing best room rates and appoint hotels, restaurant bookings, photography services, transport, guest arrivals and send-off, ushers, program scheduling, newsletter collating and editing, etc. Understandably, each had its own area of frustrations. Those who sacrificed their spare time towards the Celebration success, kudos are duly given.
27th Nov 2014
8:00 am.
Committee members assembled at Hotel Royal Secretariat Room. Last minute guest arrival details were briefed. Guest Reception teams then left for Changi Airport to await guest arrivals and guide them to their respective hotels. Amongst the arrivals were delegates from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Most of our guests then checked-in at Hotel Royal and spilled over to Value Hotel.
7:30 pm.
Welcome dinner was held at Jade Room Restaurant which was on the 2nd floor of Hotel. There were a total of 38 tables. 4 guests had special needs for vegetarian food and were arranged. Our member MC did a good job that night.
28th Nov 2014
6:00 am
Good morning Singapore – Hearty breakfast at Prince Room, Hotel Royal.
8:00 am
All delegates assembled at Hotel Royal Lobby ready to leave for Marina Barrage. We had quick group photos taken and spend time around the scenic Barrage and Marina Garden-by-the-Bay.
Bus “A” left Marina Barrage for Yee Clan Association. Buses were arranged to leave at 10 minutes interval to relieve congestion in our Association’s premise. At the Association, delegates paid their respects to our grand fore-father. A short briefing of our history was presented by Peng Kwang.
12:30 pm
Lunch was held at Yan Palace Restaurant, Chinatown. Delegates enjoyed their lunch and karaoke. After lunch, buses took all delegates back to hotel for a short rest. Some opted to shop around Chinatown.
7:00 pm
Gala Dinner was held at Ban Heng Restaurant, Harbourfront. Arrival of all guests and were seated. There were a total of 108 tables. Professional photographers and videographers were engaged to record this event. In addition, a fun Instant Print Photograph station was set up. This proved very popular. Long queues were observed at this counter.
8:00 pm
Arrival of our Guest-of-Honour, Ms Low Yen Ling (Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Social and Family Development & Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and Mayor, South West District) amidst a fanfare of lion dances. She was escorted to the VVIP table. Our Association President, Guest-of-Honour Ms Low, 85th Anniversary Organising Committee Chairman, Deputy President made their speeches. First dish was a show presentation. We were entertained with performances by artistes, magical umbrella show, followed by scholarship awards, exchanges of mementos between representatives of overseas Clans.
Committee members were at Hotel Royal to bid fond farewell to all participants.
Reported by: Peter Yee
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Village
Persatuan Seketurunan Yu Xu Tu She Negeri Selangor Darul Ehasan, Malaysia 18th Oct 2014

Airport KLIA2 - Reception

At Association's premise

Bid Farewell

Airport KLIA2 - Reception
On the morning of Saturday 18th Oct 2014, eleven members of the Yee Clan Association (Singapore) flew to Kuala Lumpur . Persatuan Seketurunan Yu Xu Tu She Negeri Selangor Darul Ehasan invited us to their 23rd Anniversary Celebration. There was a warm welcome at KLIA2 airport. A minibus was waiting for us and we were whisked away to Hotel Garden.
After checking into the hotel, we had “bak kut teh” breakfast nearby with Clan President Yu Jinfu. It was pork knuckles stewed with herbs. Very tasty! Bak kut teh is the comfort food to the locals. The gala dinner was held that night at the “Dewan Persatuan Bola Keranjang Ku La Langat”. There were about 106 tables. Delegates from all over Malaysia were present.
Sunday 19th.
We visited Yu Xu Tu She Association premise and were very impressed with their historical records. We visited and were impressed with the Clan President’s mansion and Yu Jinjiang’s magnificent palazzo. We toured a keropok cracker factory and an organic Ganoderma Farm, salted fish pau shop and Morid Beach. Dinner was at a seafood restaurant along Morid Beach.
Monday 20th 9am.
We drove to Kuala Lumpur for a day tour. Places of interests were the Observation Tower, Petronas Twin Towers, Sungei Wang Plaza and Times Square. Around 3 pm, we left KL and drove straight to KLIA2. At the airport, the Clan members were there to bid us farewell. We were very much touched by their kinship spirits and generous comforts. A big “Thank you” to Yu Xu Tu She Clan, Selangor.
Reported by: 子基
Chinese version by: 平光老师
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Report.
and Chinese version.
2014年中元节庆祝会 2014 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 6th Sept 2014, 6 pm

There was a huge turnout of members and their families at this function. An attendance of 98 people was recorded. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful buffet spread. After dinner, we went out for a Lantern Parade around a nearby park. Da Qiang did a good job as Master of Ceremony and he excited the crowd with his word puzzles.
Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make this event a success.
Reported by: 子基
Chinese version by: 平光
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Report.
2014年中元节庆祝会 7th Month Ghost Festival Celebration 27th July 2014, 12 noon

27th July 2014 was the commencement of our 7th month Ghost Festival, which would last a whole month. Traditionally, food offerings, burning of incense, joss paper, printed paper gold, silver, money were burnt for the visiting spirits and ancestors. Yee Clan performed rituals to venerate our dead ancestors.
Later on the ceremony, members had a good buffet lunch. One of our members prepared delicious double boiled lotus root soup. Big thanks to all who helped to make this event so enjoyable.
Reported by: 子基
Chinese version by: 平光
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
2014 马来西亚麻甲余氏宗祠庆祝成立80周年纪念庆典 Muar Yee Clan 80th Anniversary Celebration 15th Apr 2014
Location map

2014 春祭 Spring Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony 6th Apr 2014, 2pm

On the 14th April 2014 7:15am, 36 members of the Yee Clan Association (Singapore) took a 2 hour coach ride to Muar, Malaysia. On route, we stopped over at Yong Peng town to shop for some local produce. The Muar Yee Clan was celebrating their 80th Anniversary and regional Yee Clansmen were invited.
We arrived at the Muar Yee Clan just before noon. The local Clansmen greeted us with a warm welcome at their premise and all of us paid our respects in-front of their ancestral altar. There were renewals of goodwill and friendship followed by refreshments. An itinerary for the afternoon, was a visit to a famous local Nam Thien Temple. In the evening, we attended a lively welcome dinner.
Next morning, all of us went for a day tour of Malacca, which was an hour’s drive away. Visited the King’s Well or Hang Li Po Well, Christ Church Melaka, Clock Tower and Hang Jebat Road for some small shopping.
The gala dinner was at Chung Hwa High School’s huge auditorium. Dinner was well attended by 1,160 guests - local and overseas. Representatives from China Yongchun, Jiangmen, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore were present. We were entertained with orchestra and dance performances. Representative Clansmen of their respective countries exchanged plaques and mementos with Muar Yee Clan. The grand finale of the dinner was cutting of a huge 80th Anniversary cake and singing the birthday song. That brought the grand dinner to a successful conclusion.
We were very grateful to the Muar Yee Clan for their efforts and looking after our comforts during this visit.
Reported by: 子基
Translated into Chinese by: 平光
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Report.
Special thanks to Martin Yee for posting our events in their YFT Global Report, 平光 and 大强 for their Chinese translations, Daniel for some of his photos.
2014 春祭 Spring Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony 6th Apr 2014, 2pm

Members observed this annual event by taking part in the ceremony. It was encouraging to see the younger generations lingering with us. As usual, a table was laid full of offerings and food. The elders initiated the ceremony. After which all members enjoyed a sumptuous meal.
Reported by: 子基
Photos - courtesy of Daniel Yee
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This article is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report.
Press Release in Wan Bao newspaper, 20th Feb 2014

Our President, Mr Yee Whai Lin was interviewed by Wan Bao reporter.
This article is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Newsletter.
2014年新春联欢会 Chinese New Year Celebration 9th Feb 2014, 12 noon

More than 70 members and their children attended this year’s Chinese New Year Celebration. Everyone was happy and excited. All guests were invited to the Hall to be seated.
Buffet lunch commenced with our traditional “鱼生” dish. Everyone was anxious to “捞起” toss this dish and shout “huat ah!” - Singapore style. Karaoke session after lunch.
Reported by: 金龙
Photos with the courtesy of 金龙
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Newsletter
举行宣誓就职仪式 Swearing-in Ceremony 19th Jan 2014, 1:30pm

On 19th Jan 2014, the new 69th Management Committee started the Swearing-in Ceremony by paying our respects to our Ancestor. Following that, there was a swearing-in and signing of the new 69th Board of Directors. Duties were officially handed over to the new respective directors. We are also happy to have a number of new and younger members on the Board.
We were grateful to have Er Song Wah to grace this occasion. Some Directors related their past experiences in this Association. Looking forward for more activities to be organised by the new Board. We wished everyone a Happy CHinese New Year!
Reported by: 子基
For more photos, please visit our Facebook and Flickr.
This event is also reported in The Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice. Spring 2014 issue,
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