余氏总会 (新加坡)
yee clan association
Created by PYee
2018 以往的活动 PAST EVENTS

With Mr Yee Chia Hsing

89th Anniversary Celebration & Dinner 8th Dec 2018, 7:30 pm
新加坡余氏總會於二○一八年十二月八日(星期六)下午七時半,假港灣中心萬興酒樓舉行我會成立八十九周年紀念聯歡宴會, 並邀請會務顧問余家興宗先生擔任主賓。
本會除了聯繫鄉親,也重視會員子女的教育,為鼓勵會員子女刻苦攻讀,在宴會期間頒發了二○一八年度會員子女獎學金。 當晚宴會亦設有精彩的文藝節目表演和激動人心的抽獎環節,氣氛溫馨歡快。
新加坡余氏總會 余子基報導
(Courtesy of Martin Yee)
89th Anniversary Celebration & Dinner
After months of meticulous preparations, collaborations and logistics to organise this year’s anniversary celebration, the D-day had finally arrived. Credits go to Ms. Yee Chai Yian and her dedicated and passionate team.
On Dec 8th 2018, members and their families started streaming into Ban Heng @ Harbourfront Restaurant. Other kinship clans were invited. A total of 48 tables were occupied. Mr. Yee Chia Hsing (余家兴) Member of Parliament, Chua Chu Kang GRC was invited as our VIP to grace our celebration.
Scholarships were awarded to deserving students, lucky draws given away and a professional band to entertain us. Members were happy and satisfied - a completely successful conclusion to this year’s celebration.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
7th World Yee Convention, San Francisco 11th - 14th Aug 2018

Opening ceremony

YFT Association at Waverly St.

Senate Chamber in session, CA State Capitol

Opening ceremony
作為來自遠東、新加坡的參與者,這對我來說是一個很好的機會, 不但可以與所有聚集在三藩市來自世界各地的余氏宗親見面,還最重要的是, 我很榮幸代表新加坡余氏總會參加第二十六屆全美余風采堂懇親大會暨 第七屆世界余氏宗親會懇親大會。自二○一七年五月十四日第七屆世界余氏宗親總會主席、 余永源先生和卡麗娜女士訪問新加坡以來,我們一直焦急地期待著參加這一個〝史詩〞的事件。
新加坡余氏總會 余子基報導
(Courtesy of Martin Yee)
Combined 7th World Yee Family Association & 26th US Yee Family Association National Conventions
As a participant from the Far East, Singapore, it was a great opportunity for me to meet with all the Yees from around the world, gathered here in San Francisco. Most importantly, it was my honour to represent the Yee Clan Association, Singapore, in this Convention. Ever since the then World Yee Chairman, Mr. Eddie Yee and Ms. Carina visited Singapore in May 14th 2017, we were anxiously looking forward to this epic event.
Firstly, I had to apologize for filing my report late. My family and I had a truly awesome, once in my lifetime, maximised 2 months travelling experience in the US and the “North to Alaska” outback. We returned home on Oct 2nd and quickly rushed out these scripts and some photos to Martin Yee for publication.
August 8th, we took a 15-hour non-stop flight from Singapore to San Francisco. We spend a couple of days in Napa Valley to savour some fine wines before heading back to SFO on Aug 11th for the World Yee reception. We met Jeanette and Carina at the Registration Room, Hilton, exchanged greetings with Johnson Yee, the Hong Kong delegates, Jim, Kenny, Martin, Donald, Sherman and Frank, just to mention a few.
Duanwu Jie (Dragon Boat Festival) 17th June 2018, 12 noon

Various types of dumplings

President Chin Tiam addressing the members

Various types of dumplings
This was the first time Yee Clan Association held the Duanwu Jie or better known as Dragon Boat Festival. 87 members and their families turned up to celebrate this event.
Behind the scene was our very efficient Zhang Qing and his brothers were busy preparing food. Yuke Lin sourced some very popular Hokkien, Nonya style and salted duck's egg yolk rice dumplings. Mary home-made a large number of alkaline rice dumplings.
Beautiful Xi Mei compered the event, games, and singing sessions. Our eloquent, Peng Kwang explained the legend of Duanwu Jie and the immortal Qu Yuan to our younger members.
All of us had an exciting and good time. Big thank you to all and anyone not mentioned above but helped to make this event a great success.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
Family Day BBQ at East Coast Park 20th May 2018 ,12 noon

(Excerpt from YFT Global Report)
新加坡余氏總會的青年團於五月二十日舉辦了家庭日, 燒烤活動從中午十二點開始至下午六點。 儘管當日下雨,有一百多名會員及他們的家人卻到東海岸公園參加了。 總會的青年團準備了這麼多美味的食物,啤酒和汽水,大家都用餐愉快!
Our Youth Group organized the Family Day event at the East Coast Park BBQ Pit No: C24. On Sunday, May 20th, 2018, barbeque started from 12 noon till 6 pm. There were more than 100 members and their families turned up despite the rain.
With such a large selection of food, beers and soft drinks, everyone was happy.
Shared from:
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
出席麻甲余氏宗祠84周年祠庆 2018年 5月 1日, 早上7点半

Dewan Keturunan Yee (Muar Yees) invited us to their 84th Anniversary celebration on Labour Day. It was a public holiday and we were eager to visit Muar.
Along the way, there was a heavy downpour. None-the-less, we continued our journey, shopping, had some fun at a mini "Jurassic Park".
At 7 pm, we went to attend the 84th Anniversary dinner hosted by Dewan Keturunan Yee. There was a big congregation of local members. There were lots of entertaining programs, good food and good company.
After the dinner party, we bid farewell to our cousin Yees and left Muar for Singapore. We reached home just after midnight with good memories of this trip.
Reported by Peter CK Yee
Some images courtesy of Woo Peng Kwang and James Jason Eu.
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
讲座: 儒家思想与回教教义 2018年 4月 8日, 下午2点半

他先从历史说起了儒家社会(中国)和伊斯兰马来社会,在很早的时候就已经建立了密切联系,也讲述了穆罕默德在1430年前鼓励穆斯林到中国取经和学习。后来在公元649年由穆罕默德的接班人Khalifah Othman派了一个友谊团到长安拜访唐太宗并加强了彼此的关系和生意往来。因此在公元1405年到1433年很多的穆斯林人定居在青海,甘肃,新疆等地方。郑和下了七次西洋又加强了儒家社会和Nusantara 社会/马来社会在经济商业等等的联系。
Mr Jaffar Kassim was invited to our Association to give a talk on "Confucian and Islamic Similarities". Jaffar studied at the former Nanyang University of Singapore, majoring in Chinese Cultures. We were told that he was the only non-Chinese student in his class.
His lecture was in Chinese. The audience was held spellbound as he highlighted similarities on Confucian and Islamic teachings. He discussed a bit on Zheng He (鄭和; 1371–1433 or 1435) was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, Muslim and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty.
Q & A session to finish off his talk. Many members asked Mr Kassim about Islamic teachings and his learned replies were convincing.
Reported by Peter CK Yee
Overnight Weekend Trip to Batam, Indonesia 17-18th Mar 2018

Batam Island

Before departure from Singapore

Dried seafood shop

Batam Island
(Excerpt from Yee Fung Toy Global Report)
二○一八年三月十七日,二十七名位新加坡余氏總會成員於上午八點在港灣碼頭集合坐船到印尼巴淡島遊玩。 渡輪定于上午 9:40 離開新加坡海港。 50 分鐘到達海港灣,巴淡島距新加坡 25km (15miles)。
在巴淡島,我們被一位名叫羅賓的印尼當地華人迎接。 他帶領我們迅速通過了入境閘,迅速登上了一輛帶我們去名勝古跡的旅游巴士。
第一站是 70F Koffie 工廠。 它加工了所有等級的咖啡豆。我們在太平洋宮殿有印尼自助午餐。 自助餐不是最好的,但可以接受的。羅賓然後向我們展示了一個工廠的出口,維哈拉杜塔彌勒佛教寺廟。
第二日我們在酒店吃早餐,十一時退房後,我們參觀了一個濕市場和一些賣海味乾貨的專門店。 到了下午二時,正是我們向巴淡島告別的時候了,雖然只有兩天短短的旅程,但我們曾走訪的景點,讓我們留下了許多美好的回憶。
Sat 17th March, 27 participants assembled at Harbourfront Ferry Terminal by 8 am. The ferry was scheduled to leave Singapore harbour at 9:40 am. The ferry ride was smooth and it only took 50 min to reach Harbour Bay, Batam. It is 25km (15miles) from Singapore.
At Batam Terminal, we were greeted by a young local Chinese-Indonesian man named Robin. He led us expeditiously pass the Immigration gate and quickly boarded a coach which took us to places of interests.
First stop was a 70F Koffie Factory. It processed coffee beans of all grades. We had Indonesian buffet lunch at Pacific Palace. The buffet was not the best but acceptable. Robin then showed us a Factory Outlet, Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Buddhist Temple.
Checked into Planet Holiday Hotel where we freshened up and rested a bit before going for a seafood dinner. Nightspot was Nagoya Hill Shopping Centre and followed by a karaoke session after 11 pm.
Day 2 - We had breakfast in the Hotel and checked out at 11 am. Visited a wet market and some shops selling dried seafood. By 2 pm, it was time to say goodbye to Batam and to bring home fond memories of this wonderful place so near Singapore.
Reported by Peter CK Yee
Some images credit to: Jessica Yee, Eu Han Yam
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
Visitors from Yu Xu Tu She (余徐佘涂总会) Pontianak, Indonesia 16th Mar 2018

Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
(Except from Yee Fung Toy Global Report)
余徐佘涂總會余偉球宗長(第七屆世界余氏宗親總會副會長)和他的兒子余林城在三月十六日 (星期五)訪問了我們。 他們來自于坤甸,西加里曼丹,印尼。我們祝願他們旅途愉快, 希望經常能和坤甸余氏宗親們接觸。
Mr Ermanto Yu (余伟球) and his son Ery Monday (余林城) visited us on Friday 16th March. They are from the Yu Xu Tu She Association, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pontianak is 630km or 390mi from Singapore. We were very happy to see them and had a good time exchanging views and ideas. Ermanto gave us a good insight of his Association in Pontianak.
We wished them happy holidays and safe travel. Hope to have frequent contacts with Pontianak after this trip.
Reported by Peter CK Yee
This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report
the Machinist 1st-31st Mar 2018

Entrance to Library@Orchard


Entrance to Library@Orchard
Member, Henry Yee Chin Hoon (余振康)
The Singapore National Library is hosting an exhibition on Henry's new book "The Machinist". Please visit the exhibition at the Orchard Library.
Date: 1 March – 31 March 2018
Time: 11am – 9pm
Closed on Public Holidays
"Through the lens of design, The Machinist documents the stories of a lathe artisan and his community in the auto and ship repair district of Jalan Besar, Singapore. Oral transcripts and architectural drawings lend a glimpse into their tales of labour and communal spirit. We learn how they come to dedicate their entire lives to mastering a skill, and question the meaning of craft in a rapidly changing urban context.
In Making of The Machinist, samples and notes from the research, print and binding processes take us into the printing press to understand how a book is made.
Referenced from:
The Machinist team comprises of designers Wendy Chua (Forest & Whale), Xin Xiaochang and Yuki Mitsuyasu (Yuki Mitsuyasu Jewellery).
library@orchard is honoured to host this exhibition. For more information on this exhibition, visit https://www.themachinist.sg."
Some images courtesy of Ms Nora Yap.
2018 年新春团拜与聚餐 2018年 2月 25日, 上午11点

新加坡余氏總會於二月廿五日(農曆正月初十,星期日)上午十一時正,于總會大廳舉行新春團拜及聯歡會,慶祝春節,並促進宗親情誼。 參與者免交費用,自助餐和飲料概由總會備辦。
我們大家圍在一起吃經典七彩繽紛的年菜“撈魚生”。 然後,我們的會長在聯歡會上派發紅包給出席的宗親。
當日我們每一位都玩得很開心, 謝謝大家參與,讓這次活動圓滿成功。
(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)
2018 Chinese New Year Celebration
The Singapore Yees started 2018 with a new Board of Directors and now we celebrated the Chinese New Year. We had to move the buffet tables downstairs to make more space for a huge turnout of members and families.
Evidently, all members enjoyed the wonderful Celebration program hosted by our two talented emcees. Not forgetting our very energetic Youth Group leaders who made all this happened. Lunch started off with "Yu Sheng Lo Hei". Our President then gave away "ang pow" or red-packets to all members present.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
Some images courtesy of Ms Jessica Yee
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report
第71届董事会就职典礼 2018年 1月 28日, 下午2点

Taking oath of service to YCA

Handing over portfolio

Our Grand Advisor signing as witness

Taking oath of service to YCA
71st Board of Directors Inauguration
On Jan 28th, 2018, the new 71st Board of Directors was sworn in. Portfolios were handed over from the out-going directors to the respective new directors. There were a total of 38 posts. The new directors then signed in to accept their appointments and responsibilities to the Association. Yee Whai Lin witnessed the signing-in ceremony.
This year, we had several firsts -a Grand Advisor, a lady Vice-President and several wives (of Yee members) as directors.
Whai Lin had previously expressed his desire to retire as President. So this paved the way for Eu Chin Tian to be elected as our new President.
Our continuing efforts of "Succession Planning", to scout and groom younger members into and to direct our Association, had significant progress. We saw 5 fresh and younger members elected to the Board.
Cheers to all!
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report