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2019 以往的活动    PAST EVENTS

90th Anniversary
Hungry Ghost
Taishan Tour
Singing Contest
Red & White
新加坡余氏總會回鄉觀光訪問     2019年 5月 20日
广州台山寻根之旅     2019年 5月 18日 - 23日
余氏总会成立90周年纪念庆典    2019年 11月 30日    









90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner     30th Nov 2019

Immediately after our 89th Anniversary Celebration, we discussed that our subsequent 90th Anniversary should go regional. That is regional celebrations to be once every five years instead of ten. One decade lapse in between is too long a time. A sub-committee was formed to organise this function almost one year ago. We had very capable members executing this tough job.

29th Nov, we greeted our compatriots arriving from Peninsular Malaysia, East Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Coaches were waiting for them at Changi Airport and fetched all guests to the prearranged hotels where they checked in and freshened up. Welcome dinner was held at Yen Palace.


30th Nov. It was a fun-filled day visiting iconic Merlion at Marina Bay and Singapore's newest attraction "The Jewel" at Changi International Airport. Gala Dinner was held at Qian Xi Restaurant. Our Guest-of-Honour was Mr Yee Chia Hsing (余家兴) Member of Parliament, Chua Chu Kang GRC.

1st Dec. After breakfast, all overseas guests were sent off at Changi Airport and we bid farewell, safe flights to our distinguished guests.

Reported by Peter C K Yee.

More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report

                                                Zao Bao Newspaper Report

印尼坤甸余徐佘涂公所成立八十周年纪念大典     2019年 9月 21日


Yayasan Eh Tjhe Sia Thoe 80th Anniversary Celebration, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia


Pontianak (West Kalimantan, Indonesia) is some 630 km (392 miles) east of Singapore. Its time zone is +7 hrs UTC. Yayasan Eh Tjhe Sia Thoe (余徐佘涂公所) held their 80th Anniversary Celebration on Sept 21st and most regional Yee Clans were invited.


This visit was our first time. Mr Ermanto AQ (余偉球) warmly welcomed us at Supadio International Airport on Sept 19th evening. We checked-in at a 4 Star Kapuas Palace Pontianak Hotel. We learnt that the Hotel owner is a “Yee”.


Sept 20th. Friday was a free day, so we toured a nearby wet market “Pasar Flamboyan” and the city. Most participants turned up on Sept 20th night. Their flights were delayed due to heavy haze in this region.


Sept 21st. Our host brought us to this acclaimed Equator Monument which was located precisely along the Equator, latitude 0° 0' 0". We had an educational and fun time there. Our visit was timely as today was the Autumnal Equinox (Sept 21- 23) just before 12 noon. These bi-annual events are commemorated here as visitors and locals enjoy a five-minute shadowless moment in the best ‘hot spot’ of Borneo. An egg could stand on its end easily. Grand celebration dinner was at 7pm, Kapaus Hotel. There were a total of 20 tables. Grand fanfare, we were treated to a repertoire of songs by a local member’s daughter who won many singing contests. We were further entertained by a host of exceptionally good singers.


Sept 22nd. A 5 hrs drive brought us to Singkawan, to visit their 1000 temples. Some were more than 200 years old. A beach was nearby.


Sept 23rd. We checked-out of hotel, passed by the Association’s building and made our way through airport immigration for a flight home.


The 80th Anniversary Celebration was a big success despite the initial fears of haze might adversely affect incoming flights. All of us were pampered by our hosts who were utmost attentive and affectionate.  Thank you Yayasan Eh Tjhe Sia Thoe. We wish you well!

Reported by Peter C K Yee.

Kun Dian Ri Bao, newspaper cutting reference.

More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report





(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)









Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival     14th Sept 2019, 6 pm


除了慶祝中秋佳節,也借傳統節日聯繫宗親,大家歡聚一堂,增進情誼。 中秋晚會的節目豐富,包括猜燈謎、剝袖子、歌唱比賽、幸運抽獎、 提燈籠到戶外遊玩等,此外,也準備豐富的自助餐和月餅供大家享用。

我們很榮幸承蒙總理公署部長兼財政部及教育部第二部長、 丹戎巴葛集選區國會議員英蘭尼女士與她選區的基層領袖們前來出席慶中秋活動,使慶中秋活動增添光彩。

(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)

新加坡余氏總會舉行歌唱比賽     2019年 9月 6日, 晚上6点

We were graced by the presence of Ms Indranee Thurai Rajah, Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for Education, Member of Parliament for the Tanjong Pagar Group Representation Constituency (GRC). Our Committee Members welcomed and greeted her upon her arrival.

After our President declared this ceremony opened and Ms Indranee Thurai Rajah's speech, she toured our Association's premise to gain an insight of our history. 

There was a buffet dinner, games, riddles and lantern walk to a nearby park.

Reported by Peter C K Yee.

More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report




(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)

Singing Contest

Organised by the Singing Group, a competition amongst themselves to bolster confidence singing on stage.

Reported by Peter C K Yee.

More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report

中元庆祝会     2019年 8月 4日,  中午


西方有萬聖節,而在這一部分的地球上,我們有農曆七月十五日的中元節,俗稱「鬼節」, 佛教稱之為盂蘭盆節。



新加坡余氏總會於八月四日(星期日)中午提前慶祝這個節日。我們總會的多功能廳擠滿了會員。年長的會員在臨時的帳篷裡準備了祭品, 其他人則用紙幣堆在爐子上焚燒, 給先人在另一個世界裡使用。



(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)


7th Month Hungry Ghost Festival, 4th Aug 2019, 12 noon.


The West has Halloween, we have the 7th Month Hungry Ghost in this part of the planet. We celebrated the festival today ahead of the actual date which would be on the 15th August. Our Association's function hall was packed full with members. Elderly members prepared offerings in a temporary marquee and others piled up the furnace with paper currency to be burnt.

Buffet lunch was served after this ceremony.

For an oversight story of this Festival, please visit this site.

Reported by Peter C K Yee.

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report



五月二十日,新加坡余氏總會會長余進添帶領會員一行二十人回鄉觀光訪問,受到開平市委常委、 宣傳部部長顏海娜的歡迎。 

新加坡余氏總會於一九二九年由台山、開平、恩平、新會的先輩組織成立,目前有會員三百多名。 該會一直發揚愛國愛鄉的優良傳統,團結海內外宗親,積極支援家鄉建設。


顏海娜希望余氏鄉親一如既往關心、支援家鄉各項建設,發揮牽線搭橋作用, 動員更多海外鄉親和朋友到開平參觀考察、投資興業、興辦公益, 為支援家鄉繁榮發展作出更大的貢獻。

在為期兩天的觀光訪問活動中,余氏總會一行參觀開平立園、赤坎古鎮、 開平風采堂以及余氏鄉村等, 深入瞭解開平華人華僑建築歷史、碉樓文化以及風土人情,助力傳承僑鄉文化。











Guangzhou Taishan Roots Finding Tour


Many members requested our Association to organise a Roots Finding Tour in Guangzhou. Asia Plus Travelling was tasked to arrange a suitable 6 days travel itinerary. Meanwhile, we contacted our counterparts, Yee Wen Hai and Yee Jianqiang in Kaiping for their assistance. We are grateful to them for their superb arrangements and enthusiastic search for my ancestral home in Chao Wan Village. I had no idea where this village was located in Taishan.


May 18th, 2019 at 8:20am, 20 members from Yee Clan Association boarded SQ850 flight to Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou. All of us were looking forward to learn more about our ancestral history.


First stop was Shaoguan, which was about 190km (118 miles) north of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. After visiting the grand temple in Shaoguan and various places, we travelled south to Zili Village Diaolou, Kaiping. These unique, multi-story watchtowers were used as fortifications in the 17th century. Now a world UNESCO Heritage site, they were some of the most fascinating historical and architectural artifacts in China. After visiting some other places of interests, we arrived at Dihai Fengcaitang. A group from The Hong Kong Yue Clansmen Association were also visiting Kaiping at the same time and we were able to meet up with them.







余氏总会歌唱班—红白歌唱比赛     2019年 1月 25日, 晚上7点











End of Singing Lessons Semester Competition


After more than 3 years of intensive coaching by our maestro teacher, Mr. Huang Liangqing, members of our Yee Clan Association singing class had shown quantum leaps in their vocal agility and performing confidence. 


To test out their newly acquired singing prowess, a competition was organised. The class was divided into a Red and a White groups. These 2 groups then face-off with each other with their best repertoire of songs.


Irregardless of who won the competition, it was a fun night and everyone enjoyed the session. 


Reported by: Peter CK Yee


More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.


This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Global Report







since 1929  -  余氏总会   yee clan association

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