余氏总会 (新加坡)
yee clan association
Created by PYee
2017 以往的活动 PAST EVENTS
87th Anniversary Celebration 17th Dec 2016, 7:30pm
87th Anniversary Celebration 17th Dec 2016, 7:30pm

余氏总会88周年会庆 88th Anniversary Celebration Dinner 9th Dec 2017, 7:00 pm
On the 9th of December 2017, we celebrated our 88th Anniversary with a banquet at Quang Xi Restaurant. Our guest-of-honor was Mr Yee Chia Hsing (our advisor, MP for Choa Chu Kang GRC).
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report
余氏總會舉行迪沙魯蜜柑園—四灣島龍蝦午餐一日游 Desaru Day Trip 5th Nov 2017, 6:30 am

1st Stop

1st Stop
余氏總會於11月5日 (星期日)舉行迪沙魯蜜柑園—四灣島龍蝦午餐一日游。早上 6:30 在會所集合,準時出發。乘坐豪華空調巴士,經新/馬海關辦理出/入境手續。
Desaru, 中文譯名為“迪沙魯”,是位於柔佛州哥打丁宜(Kota Tinggi) 有著漂亮迷人風景的海灘及度假勝地。
迪沙魯果園占地 100 英畝,爲遊客提供了解馬來西亞熱帶水果的趣味時光。果園擁有 100 多種熱帶水果、10 種莊稼、一座寵物動物園、錦鯉魚塘和其他景點,遊覽此處必將爲全家帶來趣味體驗。 遊客可以了解如何選擇好的水果,並可品嘗當地水果,如木菠蘿、蜜糖橙、水番石榴、刺果番荔枝,沒錯, 還有水果之王 - 榴蓮。您甚至可以購買一些喜歡的水果。良好的耕作技術確保這裏的水果品質優良。
迪沙魯果園維護良好,名列馬來西亞頂級農業觀光勝地,並于 2006 年榮膺馬來西亞農業、園藝和農業觀光(Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agro-Tourism, MAHA )特殊獎。所以,果園不斷吸引著五湖四海的遊客。
往南走,我們的旅遊車沿著海岸線跑,抵達了四灣島。 四灣島是邊佳蘭的一個小市鎮,它不是島,其名四彎皆因邊佳蘭的公路有好幾個大彎, 一彎二彎到七彎, 彎口鄰近的小鎮則以此為名。四灣島本身就是一個小漁村,擁有豐富的海產, 食物好吃又美味,價廉物美, 是來到四灣島的第一選擇。午餐在柔佛馬來西亞當地著名的新光海鲜酒楼享用“龍蝦餐”。餐後我們參觀了一座名叫“新鳳山廟”的寺廟。
我們很高興能離開這個小鎮,進入繁忙的柔佛巴魯,導遊放鬆我們在永旺購物中心裡購物。 我們吃了晚餐後,在 9 點左右穿過馬新第二通道回到新加坡。
Credit to Martin Yee
We were looking forward to this day trip to Desaru. It is a beachfront located in Malaysia, north-easterly of Singapore - 151km (94 miles) by road or 20km (13 miles) by ferry. All of us assembled in front of our Association to board a tour bus at an unearthly hour of 6:30 am.
We cleared both Singapore and Malaysia Immigration Checkpoints without any fuss. Along the way to Desaru, we had noodles with "abalone!" (sniggers) for breakfast. Our hilarious Malaysian tour-guide was quite entertaining. So we lost count of the travelling time and soon arrived at the Desaru Fruit Farm. This Farm had seen better times before. Now, it showed signs of ageing. A lady was doing her sales-pitch merchandising wild honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis and "tongkat ali" a native medicinal herb. Her name is Linda Er (余)and her dad is the farm owner.
Moving south, our tour coach was running along the coastline. Desaru was once an exclusive idyllic holiday beach. Sadly, we saw oil drilling rigs anchored not too far out from shore. This place will be set out to be a busy crude oil production platform.
After lunch at the Makanan Laut Sin Kong Restaurant, we visited a temple called "新凤山廟". There was a lot of foreign workers crowding around shops and eateries in this small town. With massive construction works in progress, the town was hot and dusty.
Good to be out of this small town and into busy Johore Bahru where we were let loose inside Aeon Shopping Mall. We had a decent dinner before crossing the Tuas bridge back into Singapore around 9 pm.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report
秋祭 Autumn Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony 22nd Oct 2017, 12 noon
新加坡余氏總會於10月22日 (星期日、農曆九月初三)中午12時正、在會所舉行丁西年(2017年) 秋祭典禮、祭拜余氏先人、祈求平安、以盡慎終追遠之德、並聯系宗親情誼。
(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)

There was a big turn up for this event. This sub-committee did an excellent job purchasing and organising all the logistics, offerings, food and drinks. At 12 noon, the worshipping ceremony started in the altar room. Our elders initiated the rituals and all other members stood in the adjourning hall to witness the ceremony.
After the ceremony, we had our buffet lunch and time to mingle with members.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
Images courtesy of Yee Chin Loong
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report
2017年中秋庆祝会 Mid-Autumn Festival 30th Sept 2017, 6 pm

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival was well attended by our members and their families. There were plenty of food, games and singing. The finale of this Festival was a walk, with lighted lanterns, in a nearby park. The lanterns shone beautifully in the dark. The children loved to play with these lanterns, sparklers and light-sticks.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
Images courtesy of Yee Chin Loong & Robin Woo
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Report
Jenny Yee (Vancouver)
Visited Yee Clan Association 9th Aug 2017

Jenny Yee, daughter of our President, Whai Lin, was here recently on her short working visit. She lives in Vancouver. Despite her tight schedule in Singapore and Medan, Indonesia, she took time off to visit our Association - working too hard but your visit to our Association was greatly appreciated.
We would like to wish Jenny and her family good health, happiness and to spend quality time with her parents. Do come back more often!
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
Images courtesy of Jenny Yee.
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice
House Visits To Our Elderly Members 30th July 2017, 10 am
Today was our second tour in our series of house visits to our long absent elderly members. Firstly, we would like to meet, greet and renew friendship with our old members. Secondly, we would like to find out how they were doing and to gather information as to why they stayed away from our Association. Thirdly, we took this opportunity to update our membership data records. Fourthly, we gave them details of our past and coming activities and urged them to attend our future functions.
Those old members whom we visited showed great joy seeing us and were very open to talking about their past experiences. We wished them good health, happiness and looking forward to seeing them again soon at the Association.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice

Nobody at home? We left a message.

“如何制作好吃的烧卖”(由郑平华主厨教导) 2017年 7月 16日, 上午10点半

More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
參加汉语拼音課程 2017年 7月 2日, 下午2点

Talk by Mr Woo Peng Kwang - Hanyu Pinyin
Our Hon. Secretary Woo Peng Kwang gave us a spell-bounded briefing on the history and evolution of Hanyu Pinyin and how to use it. In today's digital world, he demonstrated the basics of how to input the Chinese characters into any handphone by using Pinyin. Peng Kwang later explained how to perform text inputs shortcuts. Woo Si Mei assisted him.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
Some images courtesy of Yee Chin Loong
A video clip may be viewed at:
两天一夜马六甲度假游 2017年 6月 3日

过了关卡,大家终于松了一口气。先到振林山(Gelang Patah)的食阁吃早餐。饱餐之后,一路往马六甲而去。导游Vincent妙语如珠,常逗得大家开怀大笑,两个多小时的车程也不觉得沉闷。
到了马六甲,赶上了午餐时间,导游安排我们在《客家栈》餐馆享用口味独特的客家菜肴。午后的气温依旧炙热烫人,导游就带我们先去Swiss-Garden酒店Check- in,休息片刻之后,再带我们到马六甲海峡游览拍照。
Malacca 2D/1N Tour
Our Youth Group organised this short tour to nearby 2 hours drive to Malacca. Thanks to the capable leadership of this Group. The Agenda for this tour was local food - appealing to the 36 foodies who would venture far for exotic tastes.
Arriving at Malacca, we saw new developments at the sea front. Since Malacca did not have natural deep water harbour, plots of shoreline were reclaimed to create deeper waters.
By nightfall, we had a relaxing stroll at Jonker Walk to see its night market. Next day, the tour guide took us to a shop for an ultra large bowl of "ice kachang" (Ais kacang, literally meaning "bean ice", also commonly known as ABC, is a Malaysian dessert which is also common in Singapore and Brunei) - the finale of this tour! 36 of us could not finish this bowl of ice shavings.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
View: YouTube 1,
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice
Family Day BBQ at East Coast Park 28th May 2017, 11 am.

2017年5月28日的早晨,乌云密布,看似一场大雨即将来临。而这一天,正是余氏总会的家庭日。约有80多位宗亲报名参加在东海岸公园(East Coast Park)举办的烧烤大会。倘若天不作美,下起雨来,将会是多么的扫兴。
The BBQ started around 11 am and already many members of the Association had arrived. Zhangqi and his brothers were busy setting up, grilling and serving food. Kudos to them for organising, purchasing, preparing and all the logistics for this occasion. Very efficient, excellent job!
The weather was fabulous. It was a great day to mingle around with the members and to enjoy the sea breeze.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
Some images courtesy of Shirley Lim
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr.
This event is also reported in Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice
World Yee Chairman, Eddie Yee visited Singapore 14th-16th May 2017

with MBS in background

春祭 Spring Ancestral Remembrance Ceremony 2017年 4月 9日
(Excerpts from YFT Global Report)
Credit to: Martin Yee
五月十五日的早晨,我們帶他們漫遊濱海灣花園和濱海堤壩景點。 在附近的沙爹攤檔嘗嘗當地的特色風味。
We were honoured by the visit of Mr Eddie Yee, Chairman of World Yee Family Association together with his beautiful wife Carina, Yu JiangQiang (Kaiping) and Lee Tat Man (HK).
Whai Lin, Siew Eng and I were very anxious to welcome them at the Changi International Airport. They stayed at Dorsett Hotel which was less than 5 minutes walk to our Association and Dorsett was a very convenient location. We walked our visitors to our Association where a large number of members were already waiting.
Our members were so eager and happy to meet up with them. Whai Lin introduced all our VIP visitors. Eddie, JiangQiang and Tat Man took turns to share their experiences with us. Soft spoken Eddie gave us good insights into his vast clan experiences and knowledge. We had a good dinner at Ban Heng Harbourfront Restaurant.
May 15th morning, we took them to tour the Gardens-by-the-Bay and Marina Barrage. Lunch was at nearby Satay Stand to savour our local flavours. JiangQiang was an avid photographer. Armed with a Nikon D800 and a carbon tripod, he went out alone to take some night shots.
May 16th morning, Er Sui See arrived at the Hotel to fetched them to visit Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. We bid bon voyage to our cousin friends, safe travel and happy holidays.
Their next travel leg after KL would be Bangkok. Understood from Facebook, Eddie and his team were very well taken care of by the Thailand Yees.
We hope to cross paths again, maybe at the 7th World Yee Convention.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
Some photographs courtesy of Yu JiangQiang
This event is also reported in: Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice

Workshop & Fire Safety Talk 2nd Apr 2017, 2 pm
Members observed this annual event on Sunday, April 9th by taking part in the ceremony. As usual, a table was laid full of offerings and food. The elders initiated the ceremony. After which all members enjoyed a sumptuous meal.
Photos courtesy of Yee Chin Loong.
This event is also reported in: Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice
Credit to: Martin Yee

2/4/2017(星期日), 下午2时正, 在余氏总会大厅, 主办了一场 “防火安全意识” 的讲座,太约有20多位余氏总会的董事及会员出席听讲。
这场讲座是由火灾专家救援中心(新加坡) - Fire Specialist Rescue Centre (Singapore) 所提供的,由Raymond Tan先生主持。Raymond Tan先生是一位有趣的首席安全讲师和培训师,他的工作是负责防火安全意识,为各界提供防火专题的交流。他以幽默风格和轻松的讲解,有效的传达了防火安全的重要信息。
Raymond Tan, Senior Fire Safety Consultant, gave a talk about fire safety in our Association. As a Fire Safety Manager (FSM) myself, we encouraged all members to attend this talk. Fire safety is paramount important to all of us at home or anywhere.
He highlighted some dangers of overloading electrical circuits, charging handphones overnight etc. It was important to have at least one fire extinguisher (1kg size, Class: ABC ) at home and to know how to use it. Raymond introduced the uses of smoke detectors and face masks.
At the end of this talk, we were convinced that fire safety knowledge is cardinal important to all of us. We thanked Raymond for his presentation.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
Overseas Visitors - Mr & Mrs Frederick Yee (Seattle, USA) 1st Apri 2017, 12 noon

Yee Clan Association hosted a lunch in honour of Fred & Clara Yee.


Yee Clan Association hosted a lunch in honour of Fred & Clara Yee.
2017年4月1日,余氏总会迎接美国余风采总堂总顾问余海量夫妇的到访,总会同人在燕阁酒楼为海量宗亲洗尘,过后董事们也在会所招待来宾,进行交流,夫妇各高歌一曲,气氛融洽,言谈甚欢。出席此交流会的董事有: 海年、汉炎、平光、子基夫妇、玉莲、展明、永福夫妇、启荣和会员德兴。
Clara & Fred Yee flew in from India. They had an enjoyable tour of India (please see Fred's Facebook for their India tour account). They too would be joining a celebrity cruise from Mariner Cruise Center, Singapore.
As scheduled, Siew Eng and I picked up Clara and Fred to have lunch at Yan Palace, Chinatown. At Yan Palace, there were other Yees waiting there. We had a wonderful lunch. We would like our visitors to experience Singapore's MRT (or subway) ride to the Yee Clan Association.
We were honoured to have Clara & Fred Yee to visit our Association. They gave us long-lasting memories amongst the Yee fraternity. We wished Clara & Fred bon voyage, happy sailing and good health.
May we meet again, perhaps in San Francisco, 2018.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
This event is also reported in: Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice
Overseas Visitors - Mr & Mrs Martin Yee (Vancouver, Canada) 30th Mar 2017, 8:30 am

Rosa, Whai Lin, Martin and Siew Eng

Enjoying a cuppa local coffee at Toast Box.

Rosa, Whai Lin, Martin and Siew Eng
夫妇俩也在30日,顺道造访余氏总会,由海年会长与子基第一副秘书及夫人接待, 联系交流,并捐款作为总会的活动基金。
Martin & Rosa flew in from Vancouver to join a luxurious cruise starting from Singapore. Whai Lin, Siew Eng and I had the pleasure to meet up with them in their hotel lobby.
As they had a very tight schedule here, we could only have time for some better known local coffee and kaya toast. Kaya toast is a well-known snack in Singapore. It is prepared with kaya (coconut jam), a topping of sugar, coconut milk and eggs, pandan, and sometimes margarine or butter. We enjoyed the time with Martin and Rosa.
We were graced with the visit of Martin and Rosa to our Association. We enjoyed every minute talking to them. After which we saw them off at their hotel with bon voyage and safe sailing. May our paths do cross again in 2018.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
This event is also reported in: Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice
中华余氏总会(中國河南省)執行副秘书長余运华小姐之访 2017年 3月 7日, 下午2点30分

Visitor from Zhengzhou (Henan Province, PRC)
Ms Yu Yunhua, Deputy Secretary of China's Yu Clan, visited our Association on March 7th. She was on a tour to Singapore and Malaysia. Yunhua was warmly welcomed by our Committee Members. We tried our best to make her feel at home.
A brief exchange of beautiful calligraphy souvenirs was done. We settled down to share notes about China's newly established Yu Association with its Head Quarters in Beijing. Ms Yu Yunhua showed great interests in our archives, photographs and website. She was very eloquent and enthusiastic. She even made instant contacts between Singapore and Beijing through her handphone social apps.
Her next destinations would be Muar and Kuala Lumpur. We wished her bon voyage.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
2017 CNY Celebration 5th Feb 2017, 5:00 pm

新加坡余氏總會于二月五日(農曆正月初九,星期日)下午五時正,于總會大廳舉行新春團拜及聯歡會, 慶祝春節,並促進宗親情誼。
參與者免交費用、自助餐和飲料概由總會備辦、 副秘書彩燕主持遊戲、合唱新年歌曲等餘興節目、余海年會長在聯歡會上派發紅包給出席的宗親。
當日我們每一位都玩得很開心, 謝謝大家參與,讓這次活動圓滿成功。
Excerpts from: http://www.yeefungtoy.org/newsletter/Spring_2017.html#Singapore_Yee_Clan_CNY_2017_zh
(Courtesy of Mr Martin Yee)
Every year our Chinese New Year Celebration was very well attended. This year, there were just over 90 members packed our Hall. “Lo hei 撈起 ” was the main attraction. Everyone participated to toss the “yusheng 魚生” as high as he/she could. It is believed that the height of the toss reflects the height of the diner’s growth in fortunes. We all tossed enthusiastically to “get” as much fortune as we could.
After this energetic tossing exercise, our beautiful compere, Chai Yan, upped the tempo with games, quizzes and karaoke singing. In between the program, our President, Whai Lin gave away “ang pows” or red packets. Every member had a good time.
Thank you to all who made this event a runaway success.
Reported by: Peter CK Yee
More photographs may be viewed at Flickr
This event is also reported in: Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice