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Family Day
Durian Party

2022 以往的活动    PAST EVENTS

2022年家庭日与端午节的庆祝活动     2022年 5月 29日下午12点钟


海天一色  涛声依旧












It was a sunny Sunday afternoon on 29 May 2022 and after a period of 2 years or so, we can at last able to gather a lot of our members in one gathering with precautionary measures for a social and meaningful session over a barbeque meal at the East Coast Park. We have more than 106 members registered and the turn up was more than expected. We are glad that we are able to get at least 3 generations of Yee members to attend this event. Not only the food was well prepared by our subcommittee and our board members, but we all also have a good chance to socially interact, talk to each other to find out about each well beings, and strike more networking sessions for the working adults, looking at more opportunities to run more activities for members catering to the younger generation like students and even for the youth.

The pandemics have helped us to rethink, reinvent and reset some of the traditional ways of doing things but it never changes our social interaction and helps one another when in need of help. In fact, it has strengthened our urge to help each other, create resilience in all of us and think of agility in our community work as we are all here to serve our Yee Clan members.

Reported by: Stephen Yee

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Quarterly

舌尖上的榴莲香     2022年 7月 3日下午 5 点半















DURIAN PARTY -July 3, 2022

Durian season was here again, and thanks to a surprise bumper crop in Malaysia, prices for the prized "Mao Shan Wang" or Musang King grade had dropped. Quality durians were cheaper now than in previous years. So we decided to organise a durian party for our Clan members. 


Two huge baskets loaded with "Mao Shang Wang" durians were delivered to our doorsteps in the morning. Members started to arrive at the Association around evening time. There was a huge turnout. Our sub-committee members started to open the durians. The rich durian aroma attracted many passers-by and they stopped by to ask questions. Some inquisitive tourists even get to taste the fruits. The Germans called it "die stinkende Frucht" or the stinky fruit! But we loved its pungent aroma. We gave one whole durian to an Australian who said his wife will love to try it.

Reported by: Peter C K Yee

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Quarterly

一年容易又中秋     2022年9月10日下午 6 点半



        今年适逢防疫措施的逐步放宽,在当局的许可下,余氏总会的青年团与妇女组再次举办 “新加坡余氏总会月圆花好庆中秋2022”的活动。经过精心策划,日期定于农历八月十五,傍晚六时正,在总会会所的大门前面举行,并向市区重建局申请,租用总会位于武吉巴梳路的四个泊车位,搭建帐棚,作为庆祝中秋佳节的活动场地。






The combined efforts of our Youth and Women sub-committees organised this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival on the 10th September 2022 at 6.00pm. Our desire to add more space to this function, the organiser applied to the local Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) to rent four car-park lots along Bukit Pasoh Road, fronting our Association building. A marquee was then set up for this function. 


We were happy to welcome a total of 123 members - Management Committee, members and their families, to our second major family event after the easing of the Covid-19 mandatory restrictions. 


All participants were provided with delicious food and drinks and all kinds of moon cakes for tasting. Besides lucky draw, there were also activities such as “Lantern Riddle” game and lantern procession along the streets. The scene was joyful.


The event ended at 9.30pm. All our members and their families had a very enjoyable time and they look forward to the next event!


Reported by: Eu Han Yam 

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Quarterly

Malacca Tour
晴空万里 任我翱翔 马六甲2天1夜游     2022年10月1日 早上 6 点 45 分








       到达马六甲的第一天,我们吃了客家菜,大碗公的红豆冰,还吃了一顿美味的道地娘惹餐。其独特的风味,让大家吃的很有满足感。饭后,我们逛了有名的鸡场街(Jonker Street)夜市,两边的摊位,都是小吃和琳琅满目的商品,看的我眼花缭乱。不过,也买到了自己喜欢的小饰品,算是小小的满足了一下。当晚,我们入住在NOBLE酒店,疲劳了一天,冲了凉,早早会周会去了。当然,有些夜猫子还是不甘寂寞,相约出去小酌一杯。








Currently the Covid-19 pandemic situation in this part of the world has improved and stablised. Prompting governmental lifting of cross boarders travel restrictions, which makes us all super happy. This trip was our first organised travel, outside Singapore, this year – a long awaited pressure release.


On October 1st, 19 members boarded a tour coach and headed for Malacca, Malaysia. Although we had been there several times before, Malacca was a convenient destination for an overnight trip. (Only 3 hours drive, discounting the massive jams at immigration stops). However, everyone was delighted feasting on the local cuisines, shopping for local produce. Can’t wait for the next tour!


Reported by: Peter CK Yee

This event is also reported in the Yee Fung Toy Quarterly

since 1929  -  余氏总会   yee clan association

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